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Thursday 2 August 2012

Calories Intake!

Watch out your daily calories intake. It may increase your weight up to obesity level and very hard to get back in shape without high self discipline. Eat moderately! 

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Amazing China!

A memorable trip to Zuhai and Shenzen, China. Those who plan to go holidays...these places worth a visit.

EAT Healthy!

Watch out your daily food intake!


Health is the gift of life. It is the fundamental truth that health is the best gift we can offer to our very life. While we possibly could, do make sure that each second in our life focuses on our health as once we lose our health we will lose the joy of life.

Get up and go measure your health status and if found not so good, do something about it.

The Power of Thinking Big!

Thinking Big! What is so significant of Thinking Big to one's personal life?
Well, thinking big in other words to have a big dream of what you want to attain, achieve and obtain in respect of financial, happiness, relationship or career or many many things in life that would drive yourself each day to be the best of you. It is the guiding force in your life to make sure that the sky is the limit. 
By not having a dream, you are already at a stale stage in life waiting for the moment to come, death! So start to have a dream now and it may change your life forever.

If you think that you are good, be better...and if you think that you are better why don't be the best!

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Amazing View!

~ The beauty of God's Creation ~


 ~We need this in order to have the ability to know between good and bad ~

Goal and Plan

When you fail to reach your GOAL, do not change your GOAL but change your PLAN!

The fundamental element in achieving your lifetime GOAL is NOT to give up. Achieve the sole GOAL is one thing, but what matter most is the person you become when you achieve it.

Create your DREAM/GOAL, have faith in your ability to achieve it and TAKE ACTION now.

Be GrateFul

Being Grateful is the best feeling to experience in all walk of life. Take a moment in your life to feel grateful in whatever reasons and feel the peacefulness in your heart, mind and soul. Gratitude can produce wonder in your life, magical will take place be it in terms of health, relationship, financial, healing of diseases, improvement your life and most of all life in abundance. Start your day with the magic words...Thank You...